Numerous organizations and leaders have teamed together to recognize, celebrate and honor a local Revolutionary War hero – Cudjo Banquante.

Cudjo Banquante was born sometime in the 1720s in the Gold Coast (now Ghana), West Africa into a family of royal heritage. As a youth he was taken by European slave traders across the Atlantic, eventually being purchased by the wealthy Coe family of Newark, New Jersey.
During the American Revolution, Benjamin Coe sent the enslaved Cudjo to fight as a substitute for himself in the war against the British. Cudjo served in the Essex County and Morris County militias. He took part in the Battles of Monmouth and Germantown. He was with George Washington at Valley Forge in the winter of 1777 and later served with General Sullivan at the Battle of Yorktown in 1781.
After the war Cudjo was emancipated for his military service. The Coe family gave him land in Newark on which he established a nursery selling ornamental plants. Cudjo was the first African American businessperson in Newark. He died in 1823 at around 100 years of age. He was buried in the cemetery of Newark’s Trinity Church, located where the New Jersey Performing Arts Center now stands. (Thanks to the organizing team for this wonderful biography.)
For more information about Cudjo Banquante’s life, go to the website of the New
Jersey Historical Society:
Events in Newark, in late April and early May, include exhibits, unveiling of a commissioned painting, reenactors, specifically composed music performances, a genealogy workshop, film screenings, an academic symposium, bus tours, an historic marker unveiling, and more, supported by the Newark Museum of Art, the Greater Newark Conservancy, the New Jersey Historical Society, the Newark Public Library, the Amistad Commission, the Newark History Society, Rutgers University, the NJ Institute for Social Justice, the NJ Performing Arts Center (NJPAC), the DAR and others. Join dignitaries, politicians, civic leaders, composers, authors, performers, and many others in the celebrations.
The detailed schedule, more information and sign ups, can be found at: