Jockey Hollow & Washingtonburg Chapters arrived in Virginia this afternoon for tomorrow’s Flag Raising Ceremony at Mount Vernon. Earlier today, we visited George Washington’s Grist Mill and Distillery. It was a fascinating place!
Following that, we had dinner nearby at a restaurant in Alexandria, Virginia.
Dinner at the River Bend Bistro (L-R) Jack Guinan, Jeff La Marca, Dale Leppard, Chuck Brackbill, Meryl O’Brien, Greg O’Brien, Alex Mowery, Ray Mowery IV, Kristin Mowery, Bill Etsweiler, Lisa Etsweiler, Susan Leppard, Dawn Guinan
Prior to Jockey Hollow’s visit to Mount Vernon, the Chapter was represented during a fascinating tour of George Washington’s Grist Mill & Distillery. This fantastic trip was done in conjunction with the Washingtonburg Chapter, PASSAR.
Grist Mill with raceGrounds of the Grist Mill & Distillery Water Wheel in Grist MillGears in Grist MillGrist Mill
The Grist Mill in ActionInterior of the DistilleryThe Distillery is Operational and Whiskey is Produced Here.
Chapter President, Jeff La Marca, is attending the National SAR Congress in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. At this morning’s meeting, Delegates voted to increase fees; these increases appear below with the new fees written by hand. The vote was 127 in favor and 124 against.
As mentioned previously, President La Marca holds leadership positions in two chapters – Jockey Hollow and the Washingtonburg Chapter in Pennsylvania (where he is the current first vice president). He was asked to serve as a Delegate for the Pennsylvania Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (PASSAR) and, therefore, had an opportunity to both speak and vote on this measure.
As an official Delegate for PASSAR (and as the President of Jockey Hollow), Dr. La Marca spoke before the Congress and vehemently urged Delegates to vote against the proposed increase in fees: of course, he also voted against the increase.
Given the razor thin margin by which the vote passed, President La Marca would like to encourage all Jockey Hollow Chapter members who wish to make a difference to become involved. Next year’s Congress will be held in Connecticut.
If you’re attending this year’s Congress in Lancaster, be sure to stop by my (Jeff La Marca’s) table where you may obtain the OFFICIAL Jockey Hollow Chaper, SAR ball cap (like the one I’m wearing) – it’s a fundraiser for us. Of course, if you are interested in genealogy, you can also view (and purchase) a copy of my new book, “Simple Citations for Genealogical Sources!” — at Lancaster Marriott at Penn Square.
The Jockey Hollow Chapter, SAR had a busy weekend with two events to choose from! The first activity was a hands-on presentation on using cell-phones to take interesting photographs. This workshop was sponsored by the Morristown Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution and was held a the historic Morristown Presbyterian Church. The congregation for this church first assembled in 1733!
The presenter for this workshop was Xiomáro (Xio) a photographer whose work has been exhibited internationally and who has been hired by the National Park Service to be exhibit at historic locations including our very own Jockey Hollow Visitors Center at the Morristown National Historical Park.
Our Chapter was recently privileged to have Xio provide our organization a workshop on some of our region’s historic locations.
Our chapter President, Jeff La Marca (on the left), presents Xio with a Certificate of Appreciation that is given to all of our guest speakers. (Photo credit: Compatriot Ellis Bailey) Note: this certificate was for a presentation that Xio had presented earlier but President La Marca forgot it at home (duh!), so it was presented now.
Following the workshop, members of DAR, as well as members of the church, introduced some of us to their historic cemetery. In addition to the 120 to 140 or more Revolutionary War patriots (!!) interred there, we were also shown some of the beautiful gravestones. Compatriot Ellis Bailey and his wife, Bobbi Bailey, explained how they helped clean the stones using skills they had developed through workshops they had attended by an expert on restoring historic monuments. (Might be a fascinating topic for a Chapter meeting/luncheon!)
This stone, while the effects of time are very visible, has been cleaned and much of the epitaph is still visible; making it a favorite among visitors due to its beautiful message.
In Memory of Rebeckah Wife of Gideon Riggs who died May Ye 16th 1785. In ye 69th Year of her age
All you that reads this tomb And studies it a wright Shall flourish like a plant That’s waterd day & night
The second activity that our chapter participated in (and co-sponsored with) the Morristown Chapter, DAR, was a rededication of an old damaged marker honoring a Revolutionary War patriot. This will be discussed in our next post.
Yesterday, the Jockey Hollow Chapter (NJ), SAR was represented at a grave marking ceremony at the Big Spring Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Newville, Pennsylvania. Jockey Hollow President Jeff La Marca assisted in placing a wreath to commemorate Revolutionary War Patriots.
Washingtonburg Chapter, PASSAR Representative Ray Mowery IV and Jockey Hollow President Jeff La Marca.Placing wreath at monument recognizing Revolutionary War Patriots.
The Jockey Hollow Chapter, SAR is proud to announce a special promotion designed to:
Promote our Chapter within our community,
Show off our “Jockey Hollow Pride” (yes, we’re the greatest chapter of all time!),
Increase awareness of our Chapter’s activities,
Encourage attendance at our luncheons/meetings and
Build some espirit du corps!
So, what exactly does this entail? Specifically, Jockey Hollow now has an Official Chapter Baseball Cap! This cap is made by the same company that produces those for the National Society, Sons of the American Revolution and is shown below.
The cost for this cap is the same that National SAR charges for theirs – $25. However, we realize that this is such an incredible bargain that our members will want two – one to wear to our meetings and one for everyday wear in the community! So, if you would like to purchase a second cap, you’ll not only be able to purchase the second one for $20, but you’ll also receive another bonus at no additional cost! Specifically, members purchasing the second cap will also receive (if they are eligible), the appropriate SAR Service Label Pin that demonstrates how many years (in five-year increments) they have belonged to SAR. While members may purchase these pins on their own directly from National (at a cost of $20 each), those purchasing a second cap from us will receive their appropriate pin at no additional cost.
What about Chapter members who have belonged to SAR for less than five years? Instead of receiving a service pin honoring their years of service to SAR, they will receive a “challenge coin” (or similar item).
How many years of service do I have?
The SAR service pin is awarded in five-year increments (e.g., 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 years etc.). Based on our latest statistics, you may look up what our records indicated by clicking here:
In order to participate in the promotion, members must RSVP and register no later than Thursday, May 9, 2024, so that we may order everything in time for you to receive your items at our luncheon on June 1, 2024 (all caps, pins, etc. will be distributed at the meeting so that you will need to attend).
Don’t Want to Participate in our Special Promotion?
No problem! Merely register for our luncheon as usual.
Want to learn how to take better pictures with your cell phone?
Our friends from the Morristown Chapter, DAR has invited Jockey Hollow Chapter, SAR to attend their next workshop featuring Ximaro (who recently presented for us). This will be a hands-on workshop!
Nationally-exhibited photographer and published author, Xiomaro, is offering a special “Art of Phoneography” workshop for on Saturday June 22 from 9:30 am to noon in the chapel at the Presbyterian Church in Morristown at 57 E. Park Place in Morristown (rain or shine). The workshop is open to members and friends of the Morristown Chapter DAR, Jockey Hollow SAR, and the Presbyterian Church in Morristown.
They say the best camera is the one you have with you, and these days that’s your cell phone camera. Xio says the secret to better photographs is less about the camera, and more about applying the principles of seeing used by artists for centuries.
Xio will use photographs and paintings to introduce key artistic principles and show us simple ways to capture outstanding photos on our cell phones with minimal technical know-how. He’ll also show how to use some of your phone’s features to get the most out of your photos. Then we will practice our new-found skills to take pictures of the church and its grounds and the Morristown Green.
Xio will review his first workshop from 9:30-10:00, for those who missed it or want a refresher. Then he will delve into new material starting at 10.
Participants should bring their fully-charged smart phone (any brand) or camera with plenty of available storage space for the new photos that they will create. A portable USB phone charger or spare battery also will be helpful. There is limited handicapped parking at the church, and plenty of public parking for a fee around Morristown and in the garage under Headquarters Plaza (next door to the church).
The cost is $25 per person. We can accommodate 20 workshop participants, first-come-first-serve, and will maintain a wait list and are considering possible additional sessions if interest is high.
You can visit Xio’s website at to learn more about him and his photography. Please contact me at or 201-738-6539 to register or if you have questions. Bobbi Bailey, Registrar, Morristown Chapter, DAR
Our December luncheon featured a presentation by Dr. Lewis Baratz and was presided over by Jockey Hollow President Jeff La Marca.
Our luncheon was honored by the presence of the New Jersey Society of the Sons of the American Revolution President Rob Meyer. Jockey Hollow President Jeff La Marca presented President Meyer with a Certificate of Appreciation.