Recognition and Celebration of Patriot Cudjo Banquante

Numerous organizations and leaders have teamed together to recognize, celebrate and honor a local Revolutionary War hero – Cudjo Banquante.

Cudjo Banquante was born sometime in the 1720s in the Gold Coast (now Ghana), West Africa into a family of royal heritage. As a youth he was taken by European slave traders across the Atlantic, eventually being purchased by the wealthy Coe family of Newark, New Jersey. 

During the American Revolution, Benjamin Coe sent the enslaved Cudjo to fight as a substitute for himself in the war against the British. Cudjo served in the Essex County and Morris County militias. He took part in the Battles of Monmouth and Germantown. He was with George Washington at Valley Forge in the winter of 1777 and later served with General Sullivan at the Battle of Yorktown in 1781. 

After the war Cudjo was emancipated for his military service. The Coe family gave him land in Newark on which he established a nursery selling ornamental plants. Cudjo was the first African American businessperson in Newark. He died in 1823 at around 100 years of age. He was buried in the cemetery of Newark’s Trinity Church, located where the New Jersey Performing Arts Center now stands. (Thanks to the organizing team for this wonderful biography.)

For more information about Cudjo Banquante’s life, go to the website of the New
Jersey Historical Society:

Events in Newark, in late April and early May, include exhibits, unveiling of a commissioned painting, reenactors, specifically composed music performances, a genealogy workshop, film screenings, an academic symposium, bus tours, an historic marker unveiling, and more, supported by the Newark Museum of Art, the Greater Newark Conservancy, the New Jersey Historical Society, the Newark Public Library, the Amistad Commission, the Newark History Society, Rutgers University, the NJ Institute for Social Justice, the NJ Performing Arts Center (NJPAC), the DAR and others. Join dignitaries, politicians, civic leaders, composers, authors, performers, and many others in the celebrations.

The detailed schedule, more information and sign ups, can be found at:

Jockey Hollow Chapter Compatriot Attends The Washington Association’s Annual Meeting

Jockey Hollow Chapter compatriot Ellis Bailey attended the 151st Annual Meeting and Celebration of Washington’s Birthday held by the Washington Association of New Jersey on February 17, 2025, held at The Madison Hotel in Morristown.

In attendance were political representatives, including NJ Assemblywoman Aura Dunn and Morristown Mayor Timothy Dougherty, and other members of area social and lineage organizations. After the Association’s business meeting was completed, Chuck Schwam, Executive Director of the American Friends of Lafayette, presented “Lafayette – The Legacy of Liberty” to discuss the 200th anniversary, 13 month, 24 state historical re-enactment tour of Lafayette. Then, Wendy York, co-chair of the committee planning the reenactment of Lafayette’s visit to Morristown, presented an overview of the activities to be held in town on July 13 and 14. “General Lafayette” was also in attendance.

More information about the Morristown Lafayette visit events can be found at:

General Lafayette re-enactor.

Jockey Hollow Chapter Members Attend Premier of NJ PBS Documentary of Namesake

Thursday evening, January 9, 2024 was an exciting time for Chapter President Jeff La Marca and Compatriot Ellis Bailey who attended the premier of the NJ PBS documentary about Jockey Hollow: Morristown National Historical Park, held at the Morristown Museum.

The 27 minute documentary depicts the significant history and impact of Jockey Hollow to the American Revolution. NJ PBS produced the video in partnership with The Friends of Jockey Hollow and other generous contributors, most in attendance at the premier. The night started with a reception where guests were able to mingle and socialize with the producers, subject-matter experts in the video, and other notable leaders in the Morristown history community. During the reception, Jeff and Ellis raised the profile of the chapter and built valuable new relationships. The reception was followed by the premier screening of the film and a panel discussion. The entire event offered great insights into the historic park, the creation of the video, and discoveries along the way.

The video aired to the public for the first time on January 15, 2025 on NJ PBS, with multiple showings over the next few weeks. It can also be viewed on-line any time at:

The documentary is one in the wonderful series from NJ PBS called “Treasures of New Jersey”, that delves into other “treasures” of the state. The series can be found at and on most regional TV providers’ PBS channels.

Thanks to Bobbi Bailey, Registrar of the Morristown Chapter DAR and DAR State Chair of Historic Preservation, who facilitated the chapter members’ invitations and also attended.

Please make the time to watch this wonderful video and please share it with others so they can enjoy it and better understand our Jockey Hollow namesake.

Jockey Hollow Chapter Attends Naturalization Ceremony with DAR

The New Jersey Central Field Office of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services – U.S. Department of Homeland Security held their September Naturalization Ceremony at the Morristown National Historic Park / Washington’s Headquarters Museum on September 26, 2024. As in the past, the Morristown Chapter DAR supported this event wonderfully. In addition, the Jockey Hollow Chapter SAR attended to help “ring in liberty” for the 23 new citizens.

The Naturalization Ceremony was held at the beautiful Washington’s Headquarters Museum, which gave opportunity to instill the great heritage the Revolutionary War holds for Americans. The new citizens came from countries across the globe.

Participating were the U.S. Army Junior ROTC, Irvington High School for the presentation of the colors, numerous local and regional dignitaries with messages of inspiration and history, and President Biden with a video message of welcome and encouragement. And the Morristown Chapter, DAR handed out flags and bells to all attendees, lead the singing of “America the Beautiful”, distributed welcome gift bags to all the new citizens, and “rang in liberty” for the new citizens. Jockey Hollow Compatriot Ellis Bailey joined the DAR to “ring in liberty” in honor of Constitution Week, for the new citizens. The entire ceremony was heart warming and inspirational.

Morristown Chapter DAR members did an excellent job of supporting the ceremony – some even in Revolutionary War period attire.

You can visit the Morristown Chapter, DAR website at:

Jockey Hollow Chapter, SAR Participates in Marker Cleaning Project with DAR.

On July 20, 2024, members of the Jockey Hollow Chapter, SAR participated in the marker cleaning event held by the Morristown Chapter, DAR at Fort Nonsense, part of the Morristown National Historical Park. The main stone marker and numerous information markers were cleaned, using preservation approved cleaners and brushes, to revitalize the area in preparation for America 250 ceremonies in 2025. This is just one of many events around the Morristown area sponsored by the Morristown Chapter, DAR. Jockey Hollow Chapter, SAR members have participated in others, also.

Main marker at Fort Nonsense, before cleaning, showing years of accumulated grime and organic material on the stone.
DAR hosts and SAR compatriot Ellis Bailey scrubbing the main marker.
DAR hosts and SAR President Jeff La Marca, admiring the drying marker after cleaning.
One of the many, nicely cleaned information markers after the event.

You can visit the Morristown Chapter, DAR website at:

Jockey Hollow, Chapter Participated in Flag Raising at Mount Vernon!

The Jockey Hollow Chapter, SAR was represented at Flag Raising and Wreath Placing Ceremonies at Mount Vernon on Labor Day! This event, organized by the Washingtonburg Chapter, PASSAR, was a terrific honor for both Chapters! (Note, Jockey Hollow President is also the new President for the Washingtonburg Chapter.)

This exciting opportunity began with flag raising ceremonies for both chapters.

Washingtonburg Chapter, SAR and Jockey Hollow Chapter, SAR Delegation at Mount Vernon 
(L-R) Dawn Guinan, Jack Guinan, Ray Mowery IV, Alex Mowery, Kristin Mowery, Theron Winn, Jeremy Winn, Jeff La Marca, Bill Etsweiler, Lisa Etsweiler, Dale Leppard, Greg O’Brien, Susan Leppard, Meryl O’Brien, Chuck Brackbill
Jockey Hollow President, Jeff La Marca, was assisted by Compatriot Jeremy Winn in raising the flag.
President La Marca and Past Washingtonburg President Leppard placing the wreath inside the tomb of George and Martha Washington.
(L-R) Theron Winn, Jeremy Winn, Raymond Mowery IV, Jeffry La Marca, Gregory O’Brien, Dale Leppard, William Etsweiler in front of the tomb of George Washington.
Monument at the Slave Cemetery at Mount Vernon.
(L-R) Raymond Mowery IV, Jeremy Winn placing wreath in honor of Washington’s valet, Will Lee, and the slaves of Mount Vernon.
President La Marca giving a reading about Will Lee, followed by brief biographies about the lives of Frank Lee, Nancy Carter Quarles, and other slaves of Mount Vernon as read by Past President Leppard, Gregory O’Brien, Charles Brackbill, and Jeremy Winn.
Mikey the Haflinger cross pulling a carriage at Mount Vernon.

Jockey Hollow Visits George Washington’s Grist Mill & Distillery

Prior to Jockey Hollow’s visit to Mount Vernon, the Chapter was represented during a fascinating tour of George Washington’s Grist Mill & Distillery. This fantastic trip was done in conjunction with the Washingtonburg Chapter, PASSAR.

Grist Mill with race
Grounds of the Grist Mill & Distillery
Water Wheel in Grist Mill
Gears in Grist Mill
Grist Mill
The Grist Mill in Action
Interior of the Distillery
The Distillery is Operational and Whiskey is Produced Here.

Free Public Workshop at Frelinghuysen Arboretum: RSVP Now!

The Jockey Hollow Chapter, SAR is proud to announce that our first workshop for 2024-2025 will be a joint venture with the Morristown Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Over the past few months, we have developed an exceptionally good relationship with our counterparts and will be co-sponsoring our first event of the year with them! A flyer with the full details is shown below.

This should be an exciting event! Please note that this workshop will be held at the Frelinghuysen Arboretum, in Morristown. This event is not only FREE but (as with all of our events) is also open to the public.

If you are planning on attending, please RSVP President Jeff La Marca and, if so inclined, donations to help defer the costs for food will be greatly appreciated. Due to the nature of this event, we are prohibited from collecting money at the facility, so any donations may be sent to our treasurer at:

Glenn Maguire, Treasurer
Jockey Hollow Chapter, SAR
1 Glenside Drive
Budd Lake, NJ 07828

Earn the America 250 Medals!

All Chapter compatriots are eligible to earn the America 250 Medals for participating in SAR activities. Each time you attend an event that features information about the 250th Anniversary of America, you will accumulate points to earn these medals: 25 points are required to earn the Bronze medal, 60 points will allow you to earn the Silver medal, and those with 150 points will earn the Gold medal. Download the application form here:

and start keeping track today! FYI, all SAR members who attended our last Chapter meeting, on June 1, 2024 have already earned at least 3 points.

Our Chapter President is believed to have been the first compatriot in New Jersey to earn the Bronze medal. He recently received the Silver Medal (pictured below).

America 250 Silver Metal Certificate

All Chapter members are encouraged to keep track of their points as earning the Bronze Medal is within the reach of everyone.