The Jockey Hollow Chapter, SAR is proud to announce that our first workshop for 2024-2025 will be a joint venture with the Morristown Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Over the past few months, we have developed an exceptionally good relationship with our counterparts and will be co-sponsoring our first event of the year with them! A flyer with the full details is shown below.
This should be an exciting event! Please note that this workshop will be held at the Frelinghuysen Arboretum, in Morristown. This event is not only FREE but (as with all of our events) is also open to the public.
If you are planning on attending, please RSVP President Jeff La Marca and, if so inclined, donations to help defer the costs for food will be greatly appreciated. Due to the nature of this event, we are prohibited from collecting money at the facility, so any donations may be sent to our treasurer at:
Glenn Maguire, Treasurer Jockey Hollow Chapter, SAR 1 Glenside Drive Budd Lake, NJ 07828
All Chapter compatriots are eligible to earn the America 250 Medals for participating in SAR activities. Each time you attend an event that features information about the 250th Anniversary of America, you will accumulate points to earn these medals: 25 points are required to earn the Bronze medal, 60 points will allow you to earn the Silver medal, and those with 150 points will earn the Gold medal. Download the application form here:
and start keeping track today! FYI, all SAR members who attended our last Chapter meeting, on June 1, 2024 have already earned at least 3 points.
Our Chapter President is believed to have been the first compatriot in New Jersey to earn the Bronze medal. He recently received the Silver Medal (pictured below).
America 250 Silver Metal Certificate
All Chapter members are encouraged to keep track of their points as earning the Bronze Medal is within the reach of everyone.
Our June 1, 2024 Luncheon Offered Much to Our Community!
Our Chapter is expanding its community presence. Our June 1st luncheon underscored our commitment to highlighting the significant influence our region exerted during the American Revolution.
As part of our effort to promote our Chapter and build some esprit de corps, we now have an official chapter cap! This photo shows some of our compatriots proudly displaying our new accoutrement. Pictured (L to R) are Compatriots Chris Sands, Past-President Roger Loomis, President Jeff La Marca, Ellis Baily, and George Link.Compatriot Chris Sands being congratulated by President Jeff La Marca for his contribution to our Chapter. As part of a promotion, which was launched this spring upon arrival of our new Chapter cap, any compatriot who purchased two caps (one for formal wear, the other for going to the beach) also received the appropriate SAR Service Pin, which is available in five-year increments (e.g., 5, 10, 15, etc.). Thank you, Compatriot Sands!Compatriot George Link was presented with the beautiful SAR America 250th Anniversary Continental Congress Challenge coin. We didn’t forget our compatriots, who have not yet been members long enough for the 5-year service pin – they received an official SAR challenge coin to show our appreciation for their support! Thank you, Compatriot Link!Compatriot Ellis Bailey is one of our newest members but during the few months since his application was approved for membership, which means he has proven his direct lineage to a patriot ancestor (one who served or supported the cause against the British). The following is a list of some of his contributions since joining us in February:
He has contributed greatly to our Chapter’s participation in the Wreaths Across America program (he also gave a fine presentation on this topic during the luncheon). His presentation will soon be available on this site.
Compatriot Baily with PR, created a flyer, and participated in an event sponsored by the Morristown Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), and the Friends of Lafayette.
A special ceremony was held on May 5, 2024 as part of an Equal Scout project. Compatriot Bailey stepped up to represent Jockey Hollow and our state organization, the NJSSAR. SAR Vice President General William Baran, of the Rockey Mountain District, was present and was extremely complimentary of Ellis’ work.
On June 23, 2024, Ellis has been & will be playing an integral role in the rededication of the grave marker for William Connet.
Grave Marking Program – Compatriot Bailey has already done great work in helping to lay the foundation for our Chapter’s new grave marking program – he has already helped open communications with a church (that is believed to have approximate 50 graves of patriots buried in the cemetery that have not yet been recognized by SAR), is coordinating with DAR, has help make connections with the cemetery’s sexton, etc.
Thank you, Compatriot Ellis Bailey!
Jockey Hollow Treasurer, Glenn Mcguire, received the Bronze Henry Knox Medal for his efforts and contributions to our Chapter.
Treasurer Mcquire jumped in last year after the passing of our last treasurer, Patrick Reilly, and has done an exemplary job! Some of his achievements include:
Has done great work in keeping our books and monitoring our finances,
Manages and presents Jockey Hollow’s ROTC and Sea Cadet recognition programs,
Identified and initiated contact with the work will have begun our grave marking program. Treasurer Mcquire is also working to make this important project a reality.
Thank you, Treasurer Mcguire – your assistance and support is greatly appreciated!
Jockey Hollow’s newest board member, Genealogist/Registrar Bruce Ryno has stepped in as our Chapter’s Genealogist/Registrar! Genealogist Ryno, however, isn’t just any genealogist – he also happens to be the Genealogist for the New Jersey State Society, SAR. Just how many chapters can say that their genealogist also serves in the role for their state organization?! Thank you, Genealogist Ryno, for joining us!Group photo of Jockey Hollow’s recipients for the Bronze Henry Knox Medal. Pictured above (L to R) are Compatriot Ellis Bailey, Genealogist Bruce Ryno, President Jeff La Marca, and Treasurer Glenn Mcguire. According to National SAR, “The Chapter Henry Knox Achievement Medal may be awarded by a Chapter to a Compatriot or non-SAR member to recognize a specific outstanding contribution, achievement, accomplishment, deed, performance, or effort that advances the mission, governance, programs, or activities of that Chapter. This award is not limited by a specific time of service requirement and may be presented to recognize a singular act or multiple acts.” All of the above recipients of this medal have already contributed greatly to our organization. Thank you! As noted above, Jockey Hollow is now establishing and building relationships with the Morristown Chapter, DAR. Not only that, but Ruth Ryno (wife of Chapter Genealogist) is the Co-Chair the DAR/SAR/SR Relations Committee, a member of National Chapter Development and Revitalization Committee, VP of NJ DAR State Officers Club, Registrar of Elizabeth Snyder – Continental Chapter. In addition, she provides tremendous assistance with both Jockey Hollows’s and NJSSAR’s membership applications. Thank you for all of your amazing assistance, Ruth Ryno, recipient of the Bronze Henry Knox Medal!Jockey Hollow has made great connections with the Morristown Chapter, DAR. On of the first individuals we had contact with is their Regent, Nina Hoban. Regent Hoban was awarded SAR’s Medal of Appreciation. She has a wealth of ideas and a deep commitment to our shared missions. She has already been extremely influential in establishing our organization’s work and we are now looking forward to much additional collaborations with them. Thank you, Regent Hoban, we are looking forward to working with in both the near and distant future!Not only is DAR honored to have Catherine Paretti, the Historian for the Old Whitehouse – General Frelinghuysen – Colonel Lowrey Chapter, but she has been a regular fixture and our Chapter’s meetings for many years. She has done an amazing job as our chapter’s “unofficial” photographer – indeed, most of the photos on this site, including nearly all of those in this post. For this fine contribution, DAR Historian Catherine Paretti was awarded the SAR Medal of Appreciation. Thank you, Historian Paretti!Jockey Hollow’s recipients for the SAR Medal of Appreciation. Pictured (L to R) are Regent Nina Hoban, President Jeff La Marca, and DAR Historian Catherine Paretti.
“The SAR Medal of Appreciation may be presented to a member of the DAR in good standing in recognition of and in appreciation for outstanding services rendered to the SAR. The award may recognize assistance in . . . significantly aiding the SAR programs.” Thank you Regent Hoban and Historian Paretti for your support and great work!
Compatriot Chris Sands is the President of the Abraham Clark Chapter, SAR. Not only are we honored to have President Sands present at our meeting, but he also gave a brief presentation on SAR’s America 250th Anniversary Program, and also encouraged our members to join a color guard (our Chapter really needs a color guard)! Thank you, President Sands; it was an honor to have you at our meeting!Jockey Hollow Past-President gave a touching recollection of those he served with during the Vietnam War and in recognition of Memorial Day. His remarks were both poignant and beautiful. Thank you, Past-President Loomis.Our amazing Special Guest Speaker, Dr. Benjamin Carp, was presented with a Certificate of Appreciate by President Jeff La Marca. Dr. Carp’s topic was on “The Great New York Fire of 1776: A Lost Story of the American Revolution.” It was a fascinating and terrific lecture! Thank you, Dr. Carp.
The Jockey Hollow Chapter, SAR is proud to announce a special promotion designed to:
Promote our Chapter within our community,
Show off our “Jockey Hollow Pride” (yes, we’re the greatest chapter of all time!),
Increase awareness of our Chapter’s activities,
Encourage attendance at our luncheons/meetings and
Build some espirit du corps!
So, what exactly does this entail? Specifically, Jockey Hollow now has an Official Chapter Baseball Cap! This cap is made by the same company that produces those for the National Society, Sons of the American Revolution and is shown below.
The cost for this cap is the same that National SAR charges for theirs – $25. However, we realize that this is such an incredible bargain that our members will want two – one to wear to our meetings and one for everyday wear in the community! So, if you would like to purchase a second cap, you’ll not only be able to purchase the second one for $20, but you’ll also receive another bonus at no additional cost! Specifically, members purchasing the second cap will also receive (if they are eligible), the appropriate SAR Service Label Pin that demonstrates how many years (in five-year increments) they have belonged to SAR. While members may purchase these pins on their own directly from National (at a cost of $20 each), those purchasing a second cap from us will receive their appropriate pin at no additional cost.
What about Chapter members who have belonged to SAR for less than five years? Instead of receiving a service pin honoring their years of service to SAR, they will receive a “challenge coin” (or similar item).
How many years of service do I have?
The SAR service pin is awarded in five-year increments (e.g., 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 years etc.). Based on our latest statistics, you may look up what our records indicated by clicking here:
In order to participate in the promotion, members must RSVP and register no later than Thursday, May 9, 2024, so that we may order everything in time for you to receive your items at our luncheon on June 1, 2024 (all caps, pins, etc. will be distributed at the meeting so that you will need to attend).
Don’t Want to Participate in our Special Promotion?
No problem! Merely register for our luncheon as usual.
Our December luncheon featured a presentation by Dr. Lewis Baratz and was presided over by Jockey Hollow President Jeff La Marca.
Our luncheon was honored by the presence of the New Jersey Society of the Sons of the American Revolution President Rob Meyer. Jockey Hollow President Jeff La Marca presented President Meyer with a Certificate of Appreciation.