The Jockey Hollow Chapter, SAR in conjunction with the Washingtonburg Chapter, PASSAR and the Perry County Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, gave a presentation for the Perry Historians (a historical society and library located in Perry County, Pennsylvania) on Saturday, May 25, 2024 on how to apply for membership in our organizations.
Jockey Hollow President (and also Washingtonburg 1st VP) gave a presentation on the importance of documenting sources for proving your ancestry in order to join lineage societies, such as SAR and DAR. His presentation gave an overview of his new book, Simple Citations for Genealogical Sources, and as noted below, was well received.

As noted above, the Perry Historians gave a great review of the event; specifically, they stated:
S.A.R. and D.A.R. Research Workshop
The Perry Historians had a fantastic turn-out for the S.A.R. and D.A.R. Research Workshop which The Perry Historians hosted on Saturday, May 25, 2024.
We are so glad and so fortunate that the Washingtonburg Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution President, Dale Leppard asked us if we could open our library/facility for this event.
Thank You, Dale Leppard for your great intro and wonderful info on researching your Rev. War Ancestors.
Thank You also goes out to the Perry County Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution Registrar, Harriet Lindsay-Arndt for sharing her insight on what is required proof for entry into both the DAR and also the SAR.
We were also so thankful for the presentation by Dr. Jeffry La Marca, First Vice-President of the Washingtonburg Chapter of the S.A.R. Great presentation!
Those who were present definitely went away with more knowledge on the documentations required for membership and suggestions on how to document your sources.
THANK YOU to All who participated!!!!
As an aside to the presentation, President Jeff La Marca, never misses an opportunity to discuss the history of the encampment of Jockey Hollow, which remains one of (if not the most) brutal of winters ever recorded. In comparison, the encampment of Valley Forge is considered to be a “Caribbean holiday.” It’s time for our chapter to take the lead in publicizing the importance of the events that Jockey Hollow and the countless other historical sites within our Chapter’s boundaries played during the American Revolution!
Many thanks to all of the organizations involved for making the event possible!