The Jockey Hollow Chapter, SAR had a busy weekend with two events to choose from! The first activity was a hands-on presentation on using cell-phones to take interesting photographs. This workshop was sponsored by the Morristown Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution and was held a the historic Morristown Presbyterian Church. The congregation for this church first assembled in 1733!
The presenter for this workshop was Xiomáro (Xio) a photographer whose work has been exhibited internationally and who has been hired by the National Park Service to be exhibit at historic locations including our very own Jockey Hollow Visitors Center at the Morristown National Historical Park.
Our Chapter was recently privileged to have Xio provide our organization a workshop on some of our region’s historic locations.

Xiomáro may be reached on his web site:
Following the workshop, members of DAR, as well as members of the church, introduced some of us to their historic cemetery. In addition to the 120 to 140 or more Revolutionary War patriots (!!) interred there, we were also shown some of the beautiful gravestones. Compatriot Ellis Bailey and his wife, Bobbi Bailey, explained how they helped clean the stones using skills they had developed through workshops they had attended by an expert on restoring historic monuments. (Might be a fascinating topic for a Chapter meeting/luncheon!)

In Memory of
Rebeckah Wife
of Gideon Riggs
who died May
Ye 16th 1785. In ye
69th Year of her
All you that reads this tomb
And studies it a wright
Shall flourish like a plant
That’s waterd day & night
The second activity that our chapter participated in (and co-sponsored with) the Morristown Chapter, DAR, was a rededication of an old damaged marker honoring a Revolutionary War patriot. This will be discussed in our next post.