Patriot Ancestor: Samuel Fellows, Sr.

Submitted by Donald Robert Seath (Member #163268)

Samuel Fellows, Sr. (1750 to 1824): P-157268*


Samuel Fellows, Sr. was born on June 15, 1712 in Kingston, Rockingham County, New Hampshire and died on October 27, 1781 in Shelburne, Franklin County, Massachusetts.He married Eunice Heald on July 15, 1935. She was born in 1715 at Concord Middlesex, Massachusetts and died on January 17, 1795 at Shelburne Franklin, Massachusetts.Samuel served as a delegate to the Third Provincial Congress of Massachusetts. Compatriot Seath is his 7th great grandson.


* While Samuel Fellows has been assigned a patriot number by SAR, he has not (as of March 19, 2022) connections to descendants has not yet been approved and Compatriot Seath's application is pending..

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