In Memoriam

The Jockey Hollow Chapter would like to honor the memory of our deseased compatriots. May they rest in peace.


Clarence G. Clark (d. January, 29, 2024)

Clarence Clark passed away on January 29. 2024 at age 98. He originally joined SAR on December 31, 1973. His obituary may be found here.


Patrick Reilly (d. April 10, 2023)

Patrick Reilly passed away on April 10, 2023. He will be dearly missed as he played an integral role in the operatoins of our Chapter for many years and most recently served as our Treasurer.


William Blair Birdsall (d. October 4, 2022)

William Blair Birdsall passed away on October 4, 2022. He joined SAR on Septerm 21, 1998.


David Siegfried (d. March 2021)

David Siegfried passed early this month. David was an SAR member since 2012 and was very involved in the “Forgotten Victory Trail” project.


Andrew Patten (d. January 2021)

Andrew Patten passed away in January after a long illness. Andy was an SAR member since 2009 formally in JHC and currently Monmouth Chapter.


Kensley Robert Thompson (d. May 2016)

Bob joined the SAR in 1996. He served as the Jockey Hollow President from 2005 to 2009. He was also a member of the Col. John Rosenfrans Chapter.



© 2017-2025 Jockey Hollow Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution