News from Our Chapter Meeting: September 22, 2018

Compatriots and Friends

We wanted to share these pictures with you as Jockey Hollow inducted seven new members and our speaker gave a very interesting presentation from his series "I Knew George Washington."

We hope you enjoy the pictures, see Pic #s below for those appearing in the pictures, and we hope you will join us for our December meeting.

President Loomis' e-mail below was sent to Compatriot Editor Bob Fischer; hopefully, for inclusion in the "Jersey Patriot," our NJSSAR newsletter.  In case you haven't seen our State newsletter, the first two issues are on our State web site. Take a look, maybe you will see Jockey Hollow in the next issue.

Compatriot Pat Reilly
Treasurer, Jockey Hollow SAR

Dear Compatriot Bob Fischer,

On September 22, 2018, JHC held our quarterly luncheon/meeting at the Exchange Restaurant in Rockaway, NJ. Of particular note was the induction of seven new members. An eighth was unable to attend but promised to be at our December meeting. Compatriot Russell W. Hollister has brought four new members into the Chapter and Society.

Roger Loomis, President
Jockey Hollow Chapter, SAR


Picture 1
L-R: Pres. Roger Loomis, Matthew C. Garbarino, (brother Michael Garbarino unable to attend), Russell W. Hollister, James R. Hollister, and Russell J. Hollister. Marking three generations of the Hollister family.





Picture 2

L-R: President Loomis, David C. Weis, President Robert Weis, and Brian E. Weis. Past President of Jockey Hollow Chapter, Compatriot Robert Weis brought his two sons into the Chapter as well.


Picture 3

L-R: (background) Vice President Jeff La Marca, President Roger Loomis, and Edward J. Forbes
Compatriot Edward Forbes' son, Edward John Forbes, was also inducted. Unfortunately, no photo of father.


Picture 4

L-R: Pres. Roger Loomis and Compatriot Edward A. Schaible Jr.
New Member Edward A. Schaible Jr. was also welcomed to Jockey Hollow Chapter and NJSSAR.


Picture 5

L-R: President Roger Loomis, James R. Hollister, and Russell J. Hollister
It took two photos get the new members covered. Great day for the future of Jockey Hollow, NJSSAR, and NSSAR.



Picture 6

L-R: Pres. Loomis, Edward A. Schaible Jr, Matthew C. Garbarino, Edward J. Forbes, Brian E. Weis and David C. Weis
This was a great day for the future of Jockey Hollow Chapter, NJSSAR, and the NSSAR.


Picture 7
President Loomis presents a Certificate of Appreciation to Jeffrey E. Finegan, our guest speaker. Mr. Finegan's presentation was based on one book from his three volume series, "I Knew George Washington," and was exceptionally well received by the thirty guests and members in attendance.



© 2017-2025 Jockey Hollow Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution